Thursday, October 27, 2011

Advantages of Collaborative Supply Chain Solutions

Colin Clarke from Australian Aerospace, which is a Lockheed Martin authorized Orion service center, spoke about advantages of collaborative supply chain solutions.

His job is to look after people, processes and precedures to make sure they are not impacted by supply chain management and that the aircraft isn't impacted. He manages this through collaboration and communication with customers. He actively participates in the continuous improvement teams with Australian Air Force. Also works with maintainers to educate them on how the supply chain management system works. They adopt and adapt defense and industry best practices to make improvements.

They have achieved imcremental improvements and sucesses and continue to improve.

So, why do you need a supply chain?
Over time and use parts require replacement, and timely return of aircraft to serviceability is critical for customer. Ensuring parts are available to keep the aircraft in serviceable condition is the bottom line of why supply chain is needed.

Australian Aerospace has discovered that a strategic supply chain approach is much more effective than a tactical supply chain approach.

The key to sucess is defense to industry and industry to industry collaboration -- share strategic objectives, understand industry must make a profit, and have mutual trust.

Goal is to reduce cost of ownership to the customer. Australian Aerospace is succeeding because they know what their customer needs are, they share those needs with supply chain network, and focus on continuous improvement.

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